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Tertiary Preparation Program - Embedding a reflective learning paradigm

Carolyn O'Dwyer & Fran Lee, School of Education, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia

Exhibited at the July 2019 uniSTARS conference in Melbourne.

This poster charts a visual representation of the pedagogical principle and the embedded reflective learning paradigm developed to structure the design of an online tertiary enabling program. In 2017/2018, a face to face single semester enabling program underwent a redesign into fully online mode. In place of 4 x 15 credit point subjects, 18 x 5 credit point subjects were created to be offered across 6 online study periods multiple times through the academic year on a carousel model so that students could curate subject choices according to prior attainment and aspiration, and transition to undergraduate study on successful completion of 60 credit points. When combined with the complex learning needs of online enabling students, the nonlinear course structure, high level of flexibility and rapid subject turnover presented some specific challenges to a course wide educational design approach. The poster maps these and shows how they were aligned and managed.

Digital Workbooks to develop and evidence learning in a flipped Nutrition classroom in Higher Education

Dr Sarah Burkhart and Dr Dana Craven, University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia


Presented at the Society of Nutrition Education and Behaviour annual conference, 20 - 24 July 2020

The flipped classroom approach (FCA) is an emerging pedagogical approach for teaching nutrition and dietetics (N&D)1,2. Technological tools, such as digital workbooks, may support higher education students learning. The use of digital workbooks to design and deliver a FCA, has not yet been explored in N&D higher education.


Objective: To evaluate student use and perceptions of a digital workbook (DWB) in three undergraduate nutrition courses taught with a flipped classroom approach (FCA).

Reducing Childhood Obesity: Food Innovation Consultancy Challenge

Michael C. Benson, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University

Presented at 2019 PHE Conference, Warwich University, 10 - 11 Sep 2019

Reducing obesity, in particular childhood obesity, is the fundamental aim of thi snew and innovative final year undergraduate module at Sheffield Business School (SBS).  80 x BSc(Hons) Food Marketing Management and BSc (Hons) Food & Nutrition students undertiik this real live challenge, known as the Food Innovation Consultancy Challenge (FICC).  SBS 'live' offer real-life consultancy, placement and opportunties for students to work abroad.  It develops student confidence and resilience and creates knowledge that provides practical solutions to real world challenges.  The FICC module is a 40 credit final year module designed to support SBS 'live' and aims to provide students with an opportunity to imporve their professional skills through traditional academic learning, but also through engaging with a current real life challenge.

The successful implementation of electronic placement forms in a Scottish university postgraduate pre-registration radiography programme
Catherine McClintick, Susi Peacock
Queen Margaret University

Presented at Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education & Research Conference 2018

Summative and formative feedback is an essential element of practice placement education. Historically paper forms has been the method of collating and storing placement feedback. Recent advancements in technology presented the opportunity to capture feedback in an electronic format. Queen Margaret University employs PebblePad, an online portfolio and learning platform; this was the tool of choice to host the electronic forms. The forms needed to be readily accessible including offline, easy to use, secure and meet data protection regulations.

The opportunities and challenges of digital clinical nursing placement assessments. An Australian experience.  

Yangama Jokwiro, Michelle Newton, Monica Peddle, Terry Young , Rachel Cross, La Trobe University

Presented at ANZAHPE 2018

Digital learning technologies have transformed the teaching landscape over the past decades. The advent of the learning management systems, the integration of web 2.0 tools and the development of personalised learning spaces has transformed nursing education at the universities. Similarly, these technologies have also transformed clinical practice especially the digitisation of patient management process in hospitals. However, the interphase governing the training relationship between universities and clinical practise setting has remained largely a traditional paper based process. This limits the information at hand to provide effective education and management of nursing students on clinical placements. La Trobe University School of Nursing and Midwifery implemented the online tool to improve efficiency in monitoring and managing nursing students and to support personalised learning spaces, which foster reflective practice, evidencing and validation of competencies and employability skills obtained during the placement.

Engaging engineers in employability

Christopher Allan, Gayle Brent & David Green (Griffith University)

Presented at eportfolio forum, 2018

Embedding employability is always a challenge. This poster describes an employability initiative (Professional Learning for Undergraduate Students - PLUS), details of the Engineering employability stream and how Engineering course convenors have utilised PLUS templates within PebblePad to embed employability–based learning in specific courses, with an overall program-based approach. Based on levels of engagement (and re-engagement) within the School of Engineering this initiative has been widely accepted. Student and staff data from specific courses has supported early indications of a successful approach, with the emphasis on improving the student experience. We expect to see continuing engagement with employability-based learning from both staff and students, based on the quality of initial work from students, and staff commitment to continuous improvement and enhancement of existing resources.

Portfolio 2.0: A novel role for portfolios in assessment and accreditation

Jennifer Hill (Duke University)

Presented at AAEEBL, 2018

“Folio thinking” is a well-established construct among experts in portfolio design and pedagogy, due to its emphases on metacognition, critical self-reflection, integrative learning, and knowledge construction. To what extent can folio thinking, as an approach to learning and development, also characterize, situate, andsupport the practice of assessment? The poster outlines a novel portfolio initiative at Duke University, in which the portfolio space was enlarged to include an assessment and accreditation management tool. Our central objective is to provide faculty structured, supported opportunities for the presentation of assessment findings, as well as collaborative and reflective discussions of meaning and impact. By situating an institutional assessment management tool in a portfolio space, this approach bridges the conceptual and perhaps cultural gaps between faculty understandings of teaching and learning and the iterative, cyclical practice of assessment.

Development of an ePortfolio for Pre-registration student nurses

Elaine Beddingham, Heather Brundrett, Nicola Sparkes, (University of Derby)

Presented at NET conference, 2017

Evidence of continuing professional development is a statutory requirement of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and in 2016 the NMC introduced the revalidation process that requires nurses and midwives to maintain their professional registration (NMC 2016). Professional development portfolios can be viewed as a valuable tool enabling nurses and student nurses to demonstrate continuous learning and professional development in accordance with regulatory requirements (NMC 2016). They have been a feature of UK higher education for several years (Head and Johnson 2012), particularly in health and social care disciplines and especially within nursing (Peacock et al.2010).

Aim: To develop a new strategy for portfolio development for BSc and MSc adult and mental health nursing students from paper-based to electronic format based upon the NMC revalidation process taking a multi-professional, collaborative approach.