On this page, you can find case studies on the following areas:
- Nursing and Midwifery
- Medicine and Paramedicine
- Oral Health / Dentistry
- Health Sciences and Allied Health
Nursing and Midwifery
"Digital badges are awarded to nursing students as a form of recognition for achieving competence in selected skill sets at each stage and year level of the BN course. The digital badges, containing metadata to help explain the context of the achievements, are awarded via the institutional LMS then uploaded and displayed in the students’ PebblePad eportfolios ..."
Ass Prof Caroline Nilson & Dr Silvia Dewiyanti, Murdoch University, AU
Themes: Competency; Digital badges; Micro-credentialling;
PebblePad features: Workbooks; PebblePocket; Custom offline templates; Badges
Source: PebbleBash case study (2020)
PebblePad to patient: Enhancing simulated bedside care
"The objective for the nursing academics at MU was to apply blended learning principles, using PebblePad in an innovative way, to allow students to apply knowledge and skills at the patient bedside in a simulated environment whilst taking responsibility for their personal learning experience and reflect on it in their own time."
Dr Martin Hopkins & Ms Caroline Browne, Murdoch University, AU
Themes: Simulation; Clinical experience; Case based inquiry
PebblePad features: Workbooks; Page release
Source: PebbleBash case study (2020)
PebblePad to patient: Enhancing clinical practice learning
"Exploring alternative ways to enhance the learning experience for students using PebblePad, MU Discipline of Nursing (DoN) has included blogging as a mechanism for learning and have embedded video blogs, ‘vlogs’, into the clinical eportfolios for those students attending rural and remote placements. Using the video function in PebblePocket, students video their oral reflections rather than using written reflections to document clinical experiences."
Helen Dugmore, Clare Walters, Georgia Falconer & Jack Sawrey, Murdoch University, AU
Themes: Clinical experience; Competency; Offline activity; Reflection (Vlogs)
PebblePad features: PebblePocket; Video reflection
Source: PebbleBash case study (2020)
"For the scale of our implementation we believe the staged implementation was appropriate. This allowed us opportunity to modify the workbooks and ensure that they were functional and met the students’ needs. Changing an ingrained practice with something that some clinicians felt went against industry norms (use of mobile devices in clinical areas) was a challenge and we believe that the education and physical presence in the venues assisted with the acceptance of the change."
Dr Angela Brown & Ms Naomi Rooney, University of South Australia, AU
Themes: Clinical experience; Competency; Paper to digital
PebblePad Features: Workbooks; External assessors; Digital signatures; Locking
Source: PebbleBash case study (2020)
Maternal and Child Health @RMIT: Clinical Placement Assessment Tool
"This course has historically been a cross institutional collaboration between RMIT and La Trobe Universities, the Victorian Local Government Authorities and a range of community early parenting services. In the MCH service students from both RMIT and La Trobe universities share MCH preceptors and MCH centres. ..... RMIT and La Trobe University have moved to a digital based workbook to continue this collaboration and community of practice and to enhance record keeping."
Leanne Sheeran & Kerrie Buchanan, Maternal and Child Health Nursing, RMIT University
Mark Derbyshire, Learning Enhancement Team, RMIT University
Themes: Clinical placement, Cross university collaboration, Community of Practice
PebblePad Features: Workbooks, External assessors, Reporting
Source: Published portfolio page
Going paperless in student nurse clinical work integrated learning
"Using eportfolio learning instils in students a practice of reflection, self-audit, and self-development all while using PebblePad to collect, collate, and organise their achievements and experiences."
Marlène Daicopoulos, Helen Dugmore, & Dr Caroline Nilson, Discipline of Nursing, Murdoch University, AUS
Themes: Competencies / Standards, Placement
PebblePad Features: PebblePocket, Workbooks, Templates, Activity Logs
Source: PebbleBash paper (2018)
The development and implementation of an electronic practice assessment document in pre-registration nurse education
“Good communication with all stakeholders during the development of the project was important to ease the transition.”
Rachel Bacon & Sheila Cunningham, Division of Nursing, University of Nottingham, UK
Themes: eAssessment, Large-scale use, Placement, Streamlining Processes
PebblePad Features: External Assessors
Source: PebbleBash paper (2018)
Pilot to Program: The full integration of PebblePad eportfolio learning into a Bachelor of Nursing course
"ePortfolio e-learning has moved student learning from the didactic model to a student-led focus. The integration of PebblePad eportfolio learning has allowed students to take ownership of their learning in units where PebblePad is integrated, and what is evident is that students want ownership of all their learning and achievements throughout their nurse education."
Dr Caroline Nilson & Dr Martin Hopkins, Discipline of Nursing, Murdoch University, AUS
Themes: Whole-of-course approach
PebblePad Features: Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2018)
"Linking various streams of activity through PebblePad eportfolios provides ANs with a systemic approach to their professional and practice development. There are many demands upon a nurses’ time and often they can ‘disembody’ their own needs, especially clinical supervision, portfolio development and formal reflective practice. Developing an ‘infrastructure’ that has PebblePad at its core has enabled ANs to maximise their professional and practice development activity and avoid time wasting duplication."
Dr Karen Harrison Dening, Dementia UK, UK and Amy Pepper, London Borough of Sutton Admiral Nursing Services, UK
Themes: Professional Development, Competencies / Standards, Registration
PebblePad feature: Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
"The feedback and responses on the use of PebblePad as an asset store, journaling tool and a platform to showcase work, from academic staff, professional staff, and students, has been pleasing. The use of PebblePad for formative and summative assessment and psychomotor skills assessment is unique to MU DoN and the authors believe this will enable the BN students to ‘stand out from the crowd’ in today’s competitive world of nurse recruitment."
Dr Caroline Nilson & Dr Martin Hopkins, School of Health Professions, Discipline of Nursing, Murdoch University, AUS
Themes: Streamlining Processes, Implementation, Placement
PebblePad features: Portfolios, Blogs, Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
"Most students recognise the advantages of building their portfolio in PebblePad in that it is secure, portable and flexible... They have an appreciation that starting a portfolio of lifelong learning, employment and education history gives them the opportunity to not only complete their personal information in a transferable format, but also allows them to attach evidence to showcase their individual competencies, talents and abilities in a logical and tidy presentation."
Fiona Powling, Department of Health Sciences, University of York, UK
Themes: Employability, Registration, Professional Development
PebblePad feature: Portfolios
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
The challenge of moving clinical assessment online for a whole of nursing curriculum
"Using PebblePad we have successfully developed a framework that supports Nursing & Midwifery students in recording evidence of their competency towards becoming a Professional Graduate Nurse."
Terry Young, La Trobe Learning & Teaching, La Trobe University, AU and Yangama Jokwiro, School of Nursing & Midwifery, La Trobe University, AUS
Themes: Streamlining processes, Competencies / Standards, Implementation
PebblePad features: Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
Midwifery students’ experiences: Real time, real benefit, real deal
"At first the requirements seemed quite simple, the migration of a paper based system into an electronic portfolio. However the more we learned about what the software could do, the more we wanted to do. The approach we have built combines almost all of the main features of PebblePad and ATLAS and has produced a model that is integrated throughout the whole course and starts on day one of the students’ studies."
Helen Godwin & Jacqui Patten, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Edith Cowan University, AUS
Themes: Registration, Streamlining processes, Placement
PebblePad features: Workbooks, Collections, Activity Logs
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
Master of Midwifery: A postgraduate program's first use of eportfolios
"This experience reinforced that any anticipated eportfolio use for students needs to be embedded into the course curriculum and assessment regime early, and learning activities need to be staggered to support the different IT abilities. In order to engage students and encourage them to invest their time and interest the eportfolio has been made a critical part of the assessment process."
Christine Slade (1), Keith Murfin (1), Michelle Gray (2), & Kendall George (2), 1 Centre for the Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching & 2 School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of the Sunshine Coast, AUS
Themes: Registration, Streamlining processes, Implementation
PebblePad features: Templates, Portfolios
Source: PebbleBash paper (2014)
Moving midwifery placements online
"Using PebblePad has placed the onus of the clinical reporting process onto the student."
Terry Young (1), Michelle Newton (2), & Sarah Hay (2), 1 La Trobe Learning and Teaching & 2 School of Nursing & Midwifery, La Trobe University, AUS
Themes: Registration, Competencies / Standards, Streamlining Processes, Implementation
PebblePad features: Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2014)
Taking it to the next step: Managing large-scale, meaningful e-assessment in new curricula
“We feel that we have learnt important lessons on large-scale management of e-assessment and have already implemented changes for our second iteration.”
Linsey Duncan-Pitt (1) and Debra Holmes (2), 1 Interdisciplinary & Multimedia Learning and 2 School of Health & Wellbeing Multimedia Unit, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Themes: e-Assessment, Feedback
PebblePad features: Sets, Feedback statements
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
Facilitating e-assessment (the grading of clinical practice) through the use of shared webfolios
"Through developing and planning innovation into our curriculum design the programme team have been able to involve the mentors in the workplace in the collaborative process of assessing and grading student nurses in clinical practice."
Deena Graham, College of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare, University of West London, UK
Themes: e-Assessment, placement, Feedback, Competencies / Standards
PebblePad features: Portfolios, Action Plans
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
Guiding, supporting and assessing midwifery students in clinical placements.
"Clinical practice or work-based learning is a good place to introduce portfolio type learning tools because students understand the purpose."
Jackie Haigh & Neil Currant, University of Bradford, UK
Themes: Streamlining processes, Placement
PebblePad features: Action plans
Source: PebbleBash paper (2010)
To view this case study, access the Jackie Haigh attachment at the bottom of this page
Student midwives’ use of PebblePad to build an eportfolio to demonstrate placement learning.
"The success of the implementation is far more likely to be achieved when the whole team, including the manager, are involved and are using the system themselves."
Debbie Holmes, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Themes: Placement, Reflection, Competencies / Standards
PebblePad features: Portfolios, Blogs
Source: PebbleBash paper (2010)
To view this case study, access the Debbie Holmes attachment at the bottom of this page
Medicine & Paramedicine
"Initial feedback identified several positives including a cost reduction in moving from paper to digital, resource efficiencies in the programme administration team, cleaner data provided for exam board accreditation, and the ability to track live student engagement and completion. Possible performance or wellbeing risks can also be highlighted at an earlier stage. From the student’s perspective they found it easier to maintain a digital resource which prevented loss or damage to important data."
Mark Hancock & Marjorie Callaco, University of Birmingham, UK
Themes: Clinical experience; Competency; Offline forms; Digital to Paper
PebblePad features: Collections; PebblePocket; Digital signatures; Reporting
Source: PebbleBash case study (2020)
MicroCPD: Digitalising skill capture for students
"The MDS HEFi Digital team worked in collaboration with Medicine Academics in developing a digital alternative to the paper-based Clinical Skills Passport (CSP) used by all MBChB clinical year students. The digital requirement was raised following a review of the college IntraMed legacy database which was retired due to GDPR legislation implications with effect from July 2019. "
Mark Hancock & Marjorie Callaco, Higher Education Futures Institute, University of Birmingham, UK
Themes: Clinical Procedural Skills, Skills Capture, Clinicial sign-off, Reporting
PebblePad Features: Workbooks, Collections, Digital Signatures, PebblePocket
Source: University of Birmingham website (2020)
"The introduction of PebblePad within the ODP programme has provided a more flexible approach to clinical assessment which has been embraced by both students and mentors."
Rebecca Daly, Operating Department Practice, University of Hull, UK
Themes: Competencies / Standards, Reflection, Professional Development
PebblePad features: Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
The Pocket Portfolio: Workplace based assessment and feedback in Medicine
"It has been necessary to create a cultural change amongst clinicians supporting medical students. This has taken some time but we are making progress and are now witnessing much greater engagement."
Paul Duvall, School of Medicine, University of Liverpool, UK
Themes: Streamlining processes, eAssessment
PebblePad features: PebblePocket, Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
A new approach to confirmation of skill acquisition
"We thought that the inclusion of both self and peer assessment would add further dimensions to the assessment as well helping the student to understand the assessment process. There is also the potential for equipping the prospective graduate more fully to enter the workplace with the ability to mentor and peer review, thus enabling them to make discernible judgement about their own and others’ practice."
Andrew Kirke, Ann Ball & Sharyn Edwards, Faculty of Paramedic Practice, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Themes: Streamlining processes, eAssessment, Peer Review, Self Assessment, Competencies / Standards
PebblePad features: PebblePocket, Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
‘Life Support Provider’ accreditation by eportfolio
Harry Owen, Cyle Sprick and Lynne Sanderson, Clinical Skills and Simulation Unit, Flinders University School of Medicine, AUS
“An eportfolio profile can be a 2-way tool. It reveals the curriculum and informs students of professional expectations. It gives students the opportunity to individualise learning and identify the most appropriate learning opportunities for them.”
Themes: Accreditation, Competencies / Standards
PebblePad features: Capabilities (‘profiles’ in PebblePad classic)
Source: PebbleBash paper (2010)
To view this case study, access the Harry Owen attachment at the bottom of this page
Using eportfolios in Undergraduate Medicine to reflect and evidence clinical competences
“The role of Clinical Tutors and Firm Leaders is to provide feedback on the reflection of students’ Patient Journey and Clinical Experiences forms. These forms encourage students to reflect on clinical cases seen at the wards covering the following sections: case summary, what I learnt, what I did well, and what I will change next time.”
Maria Toro-Troconis and Ashish Hemani, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, UK (2010)
Themes: Competencies / Standards, Reflection, Placement
Source: PebbleBash paper (2010)
To view this case study, access the Maria Toro-Troconis attachment at the bottom of this page
Oral Health / Dentistry
More than an eportfolio: Horizontal and vertical implementation of PebblePad in the curriculum
"We anticipated that the implementation of a digital clinical logbook would strengthen the academic support afforded our students, formalise their reflective practice abilities, and optimise the clinical educator feedback process. Further, the digital logbook would connect the academic setting with the clinical environment."
Dr Ron Knevel & Dr Sarah Down, Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, La Trobe University, AUS
Themes: Competencies / Standards, Whole-of-course approach, Placement, eAssessment, Feedback
PebblePad Features: External Assessors, Feedback Templates, Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2018)
"Effective training of students and Clinical Educators in this new online process was critical to instil confidence and trust, especially when moving from an analogue paper-based system to an online digital framework."
Terry Young, La Trobe Learning & Teaching, La Trobe University, AU and Ron Knevel & Sarah Down, Oral Health Sciences, La Trobe University, AUS
Themes: Reflection, Feedback, Competencies / Standards, Streamlining processes
PebblePad features: Workbooks, Collections
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
Health Sciences & Allied Health
ePortfolio assessment strategies enhance development of professional competencies
"This case study describes our program-wide use of a PebblePad workbook to support formative and summative assessment in an online Master of Social Work (MSW) graduate program with 150 students and 150 external assessors. Program goals include cultivating habits of lifelong learning by enhancing students’ communication skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities and preparing them for post-graduation employment."
Alice Schmidt Hanbidge, Renison University College & Katherine Lithgow, University of Waterloo
Themes: Social Work; Self-assessment; Peer assessment; Reflection
PebblePad features: Workbooks; External assessors; Peer review; Progress tracking
Source: PebbleBash paper (2020)
Interprofessional Education at UoN: PebblePad and IPe-Cahoots
"PebblePad’s diverse multi-application, ease of use and engaging interface was the obvious choice of platform for e-submission creation, especially considering that most of the IPE students would already have PebblePad accounts for their professional programme assessments. In addition, the fact that all group work could be done online and asynchronously using PebblePad’s collaboration feature was key, as this meant that those who had courses running at different times, or perhaps placement commitments, could still work on an e-submission together."
Alison Power & Dr Cleo Cameron, University of Northampton, UK
Themes: Health; Interprofessional Education
PebblePad features: Workbooks; Portfolios; Collaboration; Embed block
Source: PebbleBash case study (2020)
The use of a PebblePad clinical workbook: Replacing an outdated, paper-based approach
"The medical imaging team recognised that an online portfolio would solve many issues being faced and would provide the additional benefit of allowing the academic team access to the students’ clinical progression evidence, even when the students were away from campus on placement."
Rachel Newcombe & Julie Mawson, University of Cumbria, UK
Themes: Medical Imaging; Clinical experience; Competency; Paper to digital
PebblePad features: Workbooks; PebblePocket
Source: PebbleBash case study (2020)
"ePortfolios provide practical benefits in terms of record keeping and progress tracking, becoming an ever-present means of identifying risk and failure (Lawton & Purnell, 2010) but also an effective means of offering commentary on evidence (Curtin & Cowan, 2010) and learner reflection (Knevel & Down, 2017)."
Stephanie Mroczkowska, Emma Purnell, Dominic Martignetti & Rob Stillwell, University of Plymouth, UK
Themes: Optometry; Clinical experience; Competency; Mobile devices; Paper to digital
PebblePad features: Workbooks; Tables and rubrics; External assessors;
Source: PebbleBash case study (2020)
Embedding PebblePad for PDP in MSc Health Psychology
"The development of a portfolio is part of the practitioner training for a Health Psychologist, where a scientific-practitioner model is adopted, and reflective practice is core. Undergraduate psychology assignments tend not to focus on reflective practice, so students embarking on their professional training at postgraduate level need to be provided with practice and feedback on their reflections. To support this development the MSc Health Psychology programme, were looking an authentic opportunity for students to develop their reflective practice."
Dr Vicki Staples, Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology, University of Derby, UK
Themes: Reflective Practice; PDP; ePortfolio
PebblePad Features: Portfolio
Source: Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, University of Derby website (2019)
Promoting continuous learning of mandatory training through technology enhanced learning
"Now that the theory content is delivered by PebblePad there has been an improvement in programme quality assurance within the Faculty. Every student is receiving the same theory content and the same practical lessons. There has been an improvement to the sustainability credentials of the Faculty as no paper material is printed for the sessions, the workbooks are all available online and across a variety of platforms."
Caroline Ratcliffe,Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK.
Themes: Independent Learning, Streamlining Processes
PebblePad Features: Workbooks
Source: Canterbury Christ Church University website (2020)
Camera, Lights, Action! The Film Festival Occupational Therapy Video Assessment Task
"Creating knowledge using video is a viable alternative to traditional assessments such as oral presentations. PebblePad provided a viable platform for video submission and showcasing student work across a large cohort."
Dr Chris Bruce1, Mark Derbyshire2, & Terry Young2, Discipline of Occupational Therapy1, La Trobe Learning and Teaching2, La Trobe University, AU
Themes: eAssessment, Peer Review
PebblePad Features: Templates
Source: PebbleBash paper (2018)
Engaging Nutrition and Dietetic students with food science – Using PebblePad to deliver a flipped course
"ATLAS made it possible to check student progress and engagement, and mark within the workbook, resulting in more efficient use of time. Better attendance rates were seen when the course was fully flipped."
Dr Sarah Burkhart, Nutrition and Dietetics, University of the Sunshine Coast, AU
Themes: Flipped Classroom, Student Engagement
PebblePad Features: Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2018)
"Students and staff told us that regular exposure to PebblePad is essential in maintaining skills. We have integrated PebblePad workbooks across all year levels, designed assessment tasks that contribute to building the eportfolio gradually, and regularly encourage students to upload other assets to PebblePad to ensure they have the necessary ingredients to build a comprehensive Graduate ePortfolio in fourth year."
Dr Anita Hamilton1, Priscilla Trahar2, Angela Hansen2, Shelley Hume1, and Nora English1, Discipline of Occupational Therapy1, Centre for Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching2, University of the Sunshine Coast, AU
Themes: Competencies / Standards, Whole-of-course approach, Transition
PebblePad Features: Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2018)
“… successful implementation of online clinical documentation is highly dependent upon the attitudes of the end user. We quickly realised that the attitudes of the academic staff involved in implementation at close proximity with the platform are as crucial as those of the end users.”
Ruth Druva, Professor Marilyn Baird & John McInerney, Department of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, Monash University, AUS
Themes: Streamlining processes, Implementation, Competencies / Standards
PebblePad features: Workbooks, Portfolios
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
Using PebblePad to facilitate health care students’ transition to professional practice (Pharmacy)
"PebblePad gave us the flexibility to allow the students to self-assess against the completed activity and to add evidence to support how this activity tied in with each of the pre-linked behaviors. Using PebblePad in this way promotes good pedagogical practice by ensuring students are aware of exactly what they are being assessed on."
Dr Eileen O’Leary, Dr Kevin Murphy, Dr Margaret Bermingham, & Dr JJ Keating, School of Pharmacy, University College Cork, IRL
Themes: Competencies / Standards, Transition, Professional Development, Implementation
PebblePad features: Workbooks, Templates, Portfolios
Source: PebbleBash paper (2016)
"Using a PLE such as PebblePad seems a particularly suitable way for students to demonstrate the evidence and achievements relating to a personal learning plan. This curriculum design and the features of the PebblePad system worked together to allow students to personalise their authentic and valuable learning experiences."
Astrid Davine, Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, University of Western Australia, AUS
Themes: Implementation, Placement, Reflection
PebblePad features: Portfolios, Templates
Source: PebbleBash paper (2014)
"What constitutes best practice is seldom clear-cut. Without encouraging reflection it is hard to see how evidence can inform practice. The scaffolding within PebblePad allows learning to be embedded in practice rather than practice somehow to emerge from learning. This gives a real possibility of bespoke and therefore meaningful professional development."
Stiofan MacSuibhne, Co-Chair of the Osteopathic Council of New Zealand (OCNZ), NZ
Themes: Reflection, Professional Development, Competencies / Standards
Source: PebbleBash paper (2014)
Introducing eportfolios into the Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (OT) program
“It is difficult to “retrofit” a course with an eportfolio, it needs to be slowly integrated into the course, the training needs to be part of the learning activities in the course and the students need to be continually reminded why it is being done.”
Christine Slade (1), Keith Murfin (1), & Anita Hamilton (2), 1 Centre for the Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching & 2 School of Health and Sport Sciences, University of the Sunshine Coast, AUS
Themes: Implementation, Reflection
PebblePad feature: Templates
Source: PebbleBash paper (2014)
Using e-workbooks with health care students in Higher Education
“There was overall consensus among participants that the e-workbooks allowed regular reflection on progress and a means of identifying gaps in learning.”
Asanka Dayandanda and Agi Ryder, Centre for Learning and Quality Enhancement, Middlesex University, UK
Themes: eAssessment, Independent Learning
PebblePad feature: Workbooks
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
Using PebblePad to support school wide collaborative learning
“PebblePad provided a platform for bringing together the different aspects of the module into a coherent whole relating to the individual student. This meant that sustained engagement with learning activities was being assessed, not just the ability to write an essay.”
Jackie Haigh, School of Health Studies, University of Bradford, UK
Themes: Group Work, Student Engagement, Feedback
PebblePad features: Feedback Templates, Portfolios
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
The use of PebblePad for reflective practice in the Keele MPharm programme.
"Students were able to assign their reflective work against a set of key course themes or objectives. Consistently recording work against a set of pre-defined targets, whilst also providing the student with features to record work against their own defined goals, retained the principle that a personal portfolio is a student’s individual space."
Katie Maddock and Luke Bracegirdle, School of Pharmacy, Keele University, UK
Themes: Reflection, Professional Development, Registration, Integrations
PebblePad features: Templates
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
CSP ePortfolio: Personalising products and processes
“The collaborative, co-constructed approach has enhanced credibility and usability of CSP’s learning and development resources and processes. By embedding CPD and learning and development resources/processes into one space, we have raised their profile and the inter-relatedness of both.”
Gwyn Owen and Nina Paterson, CSP Practice and Development Function, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, UK
Themes: Professional Development, Competencies / Standards
PebblePad features: Workbooks, Portfolios
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
“ … it is important to note that the greater levels of engagement are not simply a result of moving from paper-based to electronic resources; rather, the intuitive, creative and pedagogically focused nature of PebblePad, combined with the carefully planned development of support materials and activities (which could not have been easily developed in any other systems), were crucial to the success of the project.”
Kim Stuart, Leonie Siddons, and Robert Farmer, Division of Occupational Therapy, The University of Northampton, UK
Themes: Professional Development, Reflection, Employability
PebblePad features: Portfolios, Templates, Blogs
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
PebblePad feature: Portfolios
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
“The introduction of an eportfolio to a membership organisation increased the membership awareness of CPD and reflective practice, with a large increase in the number of members who had a CPD system in place.”
Karen Reed and Liz Salem, The Union Learning Fund, The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, UK
Theme: Professional development
PebblePad feature: Portfolios
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
PebblePad in the Operating Theatre - a good prognosis
“As with the implementation of any change, we found much more resistance from existing students who were used to the old paper based system than from new students. This was not a failing of PebblePad but the management of change and so we ensured that more training was available with subsequent cohorts.”
Andi Sambrook, Department of Operating Practice, University of Surrey, UK
Themes: eAssessment, Reflection, Placement, Streamlining Processes
PebblePad features: Blogs, Templates
Source: PebbleBash paper (2012)
ePortfolios - reflecting on the evidence.
Libby Clark & Greg Hardham, Faculty of Science, School of Community Health, Charles Sturt University, AUS
Themes: Streamlining processes, Competencies / Standards, Reflection
PebblePad features: Blogs, Portfolios
To view this case study, please email [email protected]
Using a webfolio to present an exercise training program
“PebblePad proved to be a useful tool for individual assignment tasks for students. Each webfolio looked different as the program provides an environment where students can be more creative and individualistic. Most students altered the template for their webfolio.”
Rhondda Tilbrook, Educational Development Unit, Murdoch University, and Timothy Fairchild, School of Chiropractic and Sports Science, Murdoch University, AUS
Themes: Implementation, eAssessment
PebblePad feature: Portfolio
To view this case study, access the Rhondda Tilbrook attachment at the bottom of this page