A successful implementation of PebblePad is best supported by preparation and planning, and having a dedicated team of experts and champions on board. We have put together a comprehensive toolkit of resources to assist implementation teams in identifying and prioritising key actions.
Implementation Viewpoints Cards
Based on over 10 years' experience of successful implementations, and further validated by advice published by Jisc and the outputs of the Catalyst for Learning project, these cards cover the 4 stages of implementation:
- Vision and scoping
- Planning and designing
- Implementing and supporting
- Scaling and sustaining
There are two additional pairs of cards concerned with:
- Principles and pedagogy
- Access and integration
The questions and activities on the cards are aimed at guiding your discussion and planning.
Activity Templates
To assist with some of the activities suggested on the Viewpoints cards, we have provided some templates to guide your responses.
Touchpoints diagrams, Problems we are trying to solve and Benefits templates
These activities belong to the Vision and Scoping phase and are aimed at helping you articulate your purpose and vision for PebblePad.
User profiles examples and template
Consider the full diversity of potential users and how they will engage with PebblePad
Support circles, Training needs table, Who's an expert? table
Map your user profiles onto these templates to assist you with planning for support and training for all of your users
Maturity spidergraph
This diagram will help you to reflect on different aspects of your implementation.
Making it fail
How many ways can you imagine to ensure a failed implementation (and how can you avoid these pitfalls)?
Implementation Toolkit Viewpoints cards
Templates for activities
Further resources
Blog post - 4 steps to successful eportfolio impementation
Case study - The PUPPI Project: The Plymouth University Phase 2 PebblePad Implementation Project
Victoria Curry, Dan Metcalfe, & Emma Purnell, Academic Support, Technology & Innovation, Plymouth University, UK
Case study - Towards an eportfolio culture: One institution’s journey
Candyce Reynolds, Educational Leadership and Policy, Portland State University, US and Melissa Pirie, School of Business Administration, Portland State University, US
Case study - Implementation of an ePortfolio Early Adopter Phase: Processes and outcomes
Christine Slade & Keith Murfin, Centre for the Support and Advancement of Learning and Teaching, University of the Sunshine Coast, AU (2014)