In your Pebble+ Store you will see a Deleted tab. Whenever you delete an Asset or a Resource it is moved to this Deleted list - it is NOT removed from the system.

You can open items in the Deleted list to check their content. If you decide that you want to keep the item you can leave it in the Deleted list or you can restore it so that it returns to the Asset or Resource list that it came from.

To restore an item select it by clicking on the logo to the left of the title - this will turn the logo into a tick. Go to I want to … and select Restore

If you decide that you do not need an item you can remove it from the system altogether by purging it. To purge an item select it by clicking on the logo to the left of the title. Go to I want to … and select Purge.

It is important to understand that once an item is purged it CANNOT be retrieved. It is permanently deleted. 

Please see the video below for more details on how to recover a deleted asset in PebblePad.