This guide covers how to set a resource to auto-submit to the ATLAS workspace for assessment when a student begins their work.


What is this?

PebblePad 'Auto share' modal

ATLAS has the option to allow students to submit their PebblePad asset (template or workbook) at the point they create the file -  at the beginning of their work, rather than at the end.

This is helpful on occasions where instructors may want to provide formative feedback or commentary on a student's work as they complete it, rather than waiting until after a formal deadline to do so.

Alternatively, it may be that both the student and their instructor need to complete different sections of the same template or workbook, and this would give the instructor access to the student's work via ATLAS.

In the set-up, the Teacher can decide which template will auto-submit, and to which assignment it will be sent. Activating auto-submit provides a simple prompt for the student to share their work as they begin. 


How To Set-up

Before proceeding, please first complete: 

1. Add A PebblePad Assignment 
2. Add Resource to assignment

Open video full screen

Requires the user to be enrolled as an Instructor or Course Designer to the Brightspace course.

1. Open ATLAS

From the Brightspace course, select the title of the assignment. PebblePad ATLAS will open in a new tab window.

2. Open Workspace Resources 

From the ATLAS workspace, select the Resources menu (top bar). 

This assumes the resources has been added previously via Add Resource to Assignment.

3. Edit the Resource

Select the Edit icon (orange cog), and on the next page, the Edit icon (orange cog) to the right of the selected resource.

4. Set to Auto-submit

Find the panel asking Would you like to prompt the user to auto-submit the form when saved?. 

Choose Yes, and from the dropdown select which assignment to link this resource with. 

Save the page to confirm.

Student View

Open video full screen

Requires the user to be enrolled as a Student to the Brightspace course.

1. Open the PebblePad Resource

From the Brightspace course, select the assignment title. Pebble+ will open directly into the linked PebblePad resource.

2. Agree & Save 

When the PebblePad resource has opened, the student is prompted to allow auto share. 

Tick to agree and Continue

Type a title in the Save As... field and select the Save button.

3. Find in Asset Store

Use the Pebble+ Burger menu (top left corner) to open the Asset Store. The new template is saved here.

4. Confirm submission

Select the clipboard icon to the right of the asset to open the properties sidebar. 

Scroll towards the bottom. 

The section titled Workspace shared to will confirm the asset has been submitted to the ATLAS workspace.

Instructor View

Requires the user to be enrolled as an Instructor or Teacher to the Brightspace course.

1. Open ATLAS workspace

From the Brightspace course, select the assignment title to open ATLAS and be directed straight to the connected workspace. 

2. Open submission

Select the submission title to open it in the ATLAS Submission Viewer for assessment.