This guide covers how to add a PebblePad assignment to a Canvas course.


What is this?

A Canvas course with a PebblePad assignment

Adding a PebblePad assignment within a Canvas course gives students the option to use PebblePad's creative tools (portfolios, blogs, collections) or structured resources (templates, workbooks) to complete their work.

In addition, Instructors can use PebblePad's ATLAS assessment tools to provide feedback and grades on any submitted work - as well as co-author submissions where required.

With a PebblePad assignment added to the Canvas course, it automatically provides:

  • Enrolment sync - the Canvas course people matched to the ATLAS workspace
  • Single Sign-On - Students directed to Pebble+ / Instructors directed to ATLAS workspace
  • Grade sync - grades given in ATLAS workspace automatically passed back to Canvas Grades

This guide covers only the set-up of a PebblePad assignment and does not include direct linking the assignment to a PebblePad resource, or auto-submitting to the ATLAS workspace. For more on these, please see:

Add Resource to Assignment
Auto-submit a Resource

How To Set-up

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Requires the user to be enrolled as a Teacher or Course Designer on the Canvas course, and a Manager or Creator on at least one region in ATLAS.

An unpublished course will not sync enrolments to the ATLAS workspace or grades back from the ATLAS workspace to the Canvas Course.

1. Access the Canvas course assignments

Within the Canvas course, use the main menu to go to Assignments.

Select the +Assignment button to create a new assignment

2. Assignment settings

Type an assignment title in the text field

Add instructional content in the main text area

Set Points to 100

Choose External tool from the Submission Tool dropdown menu

Select the Find button and choose PebblePad ATLAS LTI 1.3 from the options

Tick to Load this tool in a new tab

Add the assignment dates and deadlines

Select the Save & Publish button

This new Canvas assignment will be used to create and link to a new ATLAS workspace - which will contain the new (linked) ATLAS assignment:

Select the Load [Assignment 101] in a new window button to open ATLAS

Select the Create a brand new workspace option and press the Continue button

Select Activate Mode option

Select the Finish button

Student View

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Requires the user to be enrolled as a Student on the Canvas course.

1. Open Canvas Assignment

Navigate to the Canvas Assignments section and select the assignment title to open.

2. Open Pebble+

Select the Load [Assignment 101] in a new window button to open Pebble+

Landing on the Pebble+ dashboard, you have full access to Get Creative or custom templates and resources.

The link uses role recognition to detect a student user and direct them towards Pebble+.

Also see:
Add Resource to an assignment
Auto-submit a Resource

Instructor View

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Requires the user to be enrolled as a Teacher, Course Designer or Teaching Assistant on the Canvas course.

1. Open Canvas Assignment

Navigate to the Canvas Assignments section and select the assignment title to open.

2. Open ATLAS

Select the Load [Assignment 101] in a new window button to open the linked ATLAS workspace

You have full access to submissions, resources and other workspace settings

The link uses role recognition to detect a teacher and direct them towards ATLAS.

Also see:
Canvas User Guide - Grade Synchronisation