
PebblePad is stored in the Amazon Web Service cloud in the most appropriate territory for any

given client.


PebblePad is replicated on multiple servers and backed up on a nightly basis.


PebblePad has a 99.9% uptime guarantee included in our SLA.

Media Transcoding

Uploaded media is transcoded using the Zencoder API to ensure that audio and video files are

compatible across the widest variety of devices and platforms. 


PebblePad supports a number of authentication methods, the most popular are listed below:

  • Shibboleth (SAML 2.0)
  • Entra ID (SAML 2.0)

Account Provisioning

Accounts are automatically provisioned in PebblePad when the user first successfully

authenticates with your service.


PebblePad has integrations for the following popular services:

  • Google Drive
  • OneDrive
  • OneDrive for Business
  • Dropbox

LMS/VLE Integration

PebblePad is LTI 1.3 Advantage Complete Learning Tool compliant and is the preferred method for all mainstream


Data Exchange

PebblePad has a fully functional API that provides you with the ability to manage users, groups

and group memberships. This supports JSON (recommended) and CSV.

API documentation: 

Data Security

PebblePad has robust data-protection and security policies in place and are ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials certified.