This guide covers how to add and register a new LTI tool in Blackboard for a new PebblePad integration.


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Login to PebblePad using an account with a Global Admin role.

1.1: Login to PebblePad

Login to PebblePad and go to the Pebble+ dashboard.

1.2: Navigate to Global Admin

From the Burger Menu, select Additional Settings and Administration to open the global admin panel

1.3: Open Blackboard Integration panel

From the top menu bar, select Integrations and from the sub menu, select Blackboard.

1.4: Add Blackboard URL

In the Blackboard URL field, add your information. 

Ensure the address added ends with a '/'

Where a previous LTI connection exists, this field may already be completed. If so, skip to Step 1.6

1.5: Save to confirm

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the save button to confirm.

1.6: Note Tool Key & Secret

Make a note of the Key and Secret - these will be needed in step 2.4 below

It's recommended to leave this page open and continue in a new tab/window, so you can refer back to this information.

Login to Blackboard using an account with a System Admin role.

2.1: Open Admin Tools

Locate and select the Admin section in the main menu to open Administrator Tools.

2.2: Go to LTI Tool Providers

Navigate to the Integrations section, and select LTI Tool Providers

2.3: Register Provider Domain

Navigate to the Register LTI 1.1 Provider button, and select.

Blackboard's interface has not yet been updated and still shows as LTI 1.1.

2.4: Add Application ID

Complete the page settings as follows:


Provider Domain

- TAQAS (all locations)
- Australia (production)
- Canada (production)
- UK (production)
- US (production)

Provider Domain StatusApproved
Secondary Hostnames
Only add if UK production server (and include both URLs)

Default ConfigurationSet globally
Tool Provider KeyPaste from PebblePad Global Admin - see step 1.6
Tool Provider SecretPaste from PebblePad Global Admin - see step 1.6
Tool Provider Custom ParametersPebble_username=$User.username

Send User DataSend use data only over SSL
User Fields to SendTick Role in Course, Name, Email Address
Allow Membership Service AccessYes

2.5: Submit to save

Save the page to confirm the settings.

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3.1: Open Admin Tools

Locate and select the Admin section in the main menu to open Administrator Tools.

3.2: Go to LTI Tool Providers

Navigate to the Integrations section, and select LTI Tool Providers

3.3: Register LTI 1.3 Tool

Navigate to the Register LTI 1.3/ Advantage Tool button, and select.

3.4: Add Client ID

Complete the page settings as follows based on your location/requirements:

TAQAS (all locations)dad88c0c-8ac5-4738-b953-20fbc5deebcd
Australia (production)3b2ea317-addb-4652-ad4e-cfcb65f47624
Canada (production)cc6a6dd1-f007-46bd-b0ec-9bbd343434bd
UK (production)dddf8332-241c-433f-b4f0-0c7684ef393d
US (production)20a8012d-35af-4b35-b392-e04aa96708c7

3.5: Submit to continue

Save the page to confirm the settings and continue the set-up.

3.6: Note Deployment ID

From the settings presented, copy the Deployment ID. 

Download the Blackboard Integration Data file (.csv) and paste the ID into the spreadsheet.

Save the file. We'll explain how to share this with us in step 3.9

3.7: Complete the set-up

Ensure the page settings are adjusted as follows:

Tool StatusApproved
User Fields to SendTick, Role in course, Name, Email Address
Allow Grade Service AccessYes
Allow Membership Service AccessYes

3.8: Submit to save

Save the page to confirm the settings. Returning to the LTI Tool Providers page, the new tool provider will be listed.

3.9: Share data with PebblePad Helpdesk

Follow this guide to upload your saved Blackboard Integration Data file (in Step 3.6) to your PebblePad account and share the file with PebblePad Support.

Please ensure you update the Integration Journey Planner, marking stages 1-3 as complete. This will alert our PebblePad Implementation Engineer to action Super Admin settings. You will be contacted when completed to proceed to stage 4. 

Stage 4 - End-to-end test >